Cursed Slam City

I used to be a fan of scottie pippen's slam city for the sega cd, now i'm not. One day i was walking down the street when i saw a man selling games, he was selling slam city. So i bought it and went home to play it. I noticed something strange as soon as i took it out of the box. Insted of having the normal stuff it has on the cd, it was just the name saying "slam city" in marker. I put it in my sega cd and it booted up, but it didn't even let me choose who i wanted to play against, it just made me play against fingers. I managed to get a basket, but when i did, he yelled out "THE FINGAS WILL NOT TAKE THIS!" and he became faster, and more angry. I started losing and eventually he jumped out of the tv and yelled "THE FINGAS GOT YOU AGAIN!".